Tag Archives: Self-Publish

Road Trip, Day Fifteen-More Or Less

Here it is, folks–the first public viewing of the cover for Widow Woman! I could not be more excited at the work my designer, Alan Pranke, did on this.

So many things are starting to roll (quickly) into place: the cover’s done; I’m closing in on the last couple of chapters of formatting before preparing to upload; I’ve got my ISBN, I’ve created a fan page on FB–I’ve even had a preliminary chat about a launch party!

Everything is starting to seem so real and so very imminent that I’m alternating between exhilaration and hyperventilation.

But today, for a few hours, I’m going to go A.W.O.L., for a very good cause: my dear friends are sponsoring a kick-butt neighborhood carnival to benefit the Miracles of Mitch Foundation, and I’m volunteering to help. It’s a terrific organization that provides meaningful, real support (groceries, mortgage support, special sibling camps and more) to families with children fighting cancer. So for the next few hours, I’ll be running like crazy–dunk tank (good grief, no, I won’t be in it–it’s a family event, after all), inflatables, games, prizes, silent auction, an outdoor movie screening and more. Last year, we raised over $5,000; we’re hoping to top that this year!

No matter what’s going on in your life, you should always take every opportunity that presents itself to be involved in making someone else’s life better, even if it’s in the most insignificant ways imaginable, but this event–well, it’s a biggie, so I’ll be there tonight because I do, I really do–I believe in everyday miracles. 🙂

Let The Countdown Begin…Tomorrow

Per advice from Kristen Brown’s forthcoming book, The Happy Hour Effect, I am going public with my self-imposed deadline to publish (digital-only) Widow Woman. To paraphrase her theory, a public deadline makes you accountable. We’ll see. All I know is I feel I’m finally ready.

If you watched my interview, you know I’m a little nervous about the technology aspect of self-publishing, but I’ve come this far, I can’t stop now. So–I’ve got a few guidebooks on hand and I’ve begun working on the formatting. (Just between you and me: I hate this part. It is the antithesis of creativity. But it’s standing between me and finishing this book off so I can move on to the next two waiting in the wings.)

Beginning tomorrow, I’m hoping to give you short, regular updates throughout the next month so you can follow my progress–any encouraging comments or helpful tips would be greatly appreciated, since (as my loyal readers know), I’m working with a high learning curve.

Here we go!