it’s hard to believe, but we had our final reading for 2019 last month, and I’m already making plans for 2020’s readings! I have been humbled by the talent and gifts each of the beautiful writers who joined us this inaugural year brought: their wit and humor, their courage and honesty, their passion and generosity are boundless, and it was a joy to welcome each of them.
My goal for 2020 is to grow a little bigger with each reading, so if you haven’t joined us yet, as a writer or as an audience member, I hope you’ll take a look at the 2020 dates and make some time to come out and show the writers in our community some love–I can promise, you won’t regret it. If you have already joined us, I hope to see you again soon.
Wishing all of you peace and love and purpose in 2020!
Normally, I write reviews of books, but because I recently completed my first residency ever, Melissa Scholes Young’s “Grow a Book,” I’m taking a break from book reviews to share that experience with you instead.
All work and no play is the worst idea ever.
I’d been thinking about doing a residency for a while, but I couldn’t find one that seemed like a good fit. I craved dedicated solitude, but I also worried that too much solitude might result in a personal re-enactment of The Shining—or worse, a total lack of productivity. I wanted access to the expertise and feedback of a talented instructor, but worried about a residency scheduled to the nines.
adore nature, but many of the more “rustic” residencies seemed a little too primitive: no hunter-gatherer is
this writer; I like my modern conveniences. I wanted to get away from the
round-the-clock mental and emotional labor of being a wife and mother and do
nothing but be a writer for a few
days, but I also didn’t want to have to deal with someone who didn’t understand
how difficult a task that would be for me.
knew I needed at least a few days, but taking a week or two, or even a month, was
completely out of the question for me, as was the possibility of traveling to
foreign locales. (Someday…)
My initial phone consultation with Melissa was warm, inspiring, and thoughtful—it really helped me lay out my goals for the residency. Her manuscript evaluation, which was completed between the phone consultation and the residency itself, was incredibly thorough, detailed, and insightful; her edits, questions, and comments were concise and clear and set a concrete path forward.
And fuel for writers everywhere.
Melissa’s studio itself is situated in a prime location in downtown Rockville, Maryland, features an expansive, beautiful view and all-modern conveniences, and sits within a two-minute walk of every possible convenience one could crave: Starbucks, Panera, a cute little wine shop, restaurants, and more.
But even with its proximity to downtown, it’s as quiet and still as a library inside, and very conducive to a state of unbroken concentration. The studio does not have WiFi, which I thought would grate on me, but that removed online temptations, and when I did need WiFi, the gorgeous club at the top of the building offered another quiet space.
would work in total silence and solitude for a few hours, then take a break to grab
a bite to eat, or head up to the club to log in to my email, etc. I usually
ordered my meals To-Go and brought them back to the studio, which provided just
enough human contact to keep me sane. The studio was, for me, the perfect blend
of solitary retreat and friendly, semi-urban pad.
Melissa left for the weekend, she left,
unless I specifically contacted her. When I did send her questions, requests
for feedback, uncertainties regarding a particular passage in my manuscript,
etc., her replies were uniformly quick, thoughtful, thorough, respectful, and
Saint Virginia
One of the other things I really loved about this residency was Melissa’s painstaking attention to detail. She has stocked her studio with every imaginable bit of writer-centric comfort, care, and, dare I say it, pampering: a little bag of welcome goodies; a Virginia Woolf prayer candle; current issues of The Writer’s Chronicle and Poets & Writers waiting on a perfect little writing desk; a phone-charger and a bathroom drawer full of toiletries, in case I forgot mine; take-out menus from local restaurants and a fully-stocked coffee corner in the kitchen; a ridiculously comfy chair and ottoman with a cozy throw and a space heater in the closet, just in case (I happened to be there one cold, rainy day, and that sure helped). Every time I found myself briefly distracted by “Gee, I wish I had remembered to bring ___,” I’d peek around the studio and find the needed object already waiting.
may seem like insignificant details to some, but for me, the net effect of all
this care and attention was that I felt, as a writer, for the first time in my
life, completely understood, seen, and cherished
in my work, and that feeling created some of the most productive days of my
writing life. I didn’t have to worry about a thing but my work—and I didn’t.
my three days and two nights, I worked through all 281 pages of my second
manuscript revision, crafted a working synopsis, drafted an elevator pitch, and
left on my final day with a detailed plan for the next steps in my revision
process. At every step of the way, Melissa gave me specific, clear insights and
feedback on my work, whenever I asked for it; when I didn’t ask, she discreetly
vanished, giving me the physical space and emotional support to do the
difficult and important creative work I was there to do.
like me, you’re looking for a shorter, highly individualized, and incredibly
supportive residency that focuses entirely on what works foryou, then get thee to lickety-split, because I know I’ll be booking another session again soon.