Road Trip, Day I-Don’t-Have-Time-To Count

What’s that old saying, “Two steps forward, one step back?” Well, that’s my route today.

Step Forward: Finished the formatting (first pass, as it turns out–see Step Back below) this morning! Yay, me!

Step Back: Did spell-check of whole document and was aggravated to find several problems. Really, Julia? What the hell is “fotlooseeeeee?” Think I must’ve nodded off and hit the keyboard. Grr. But…

Step Forward: Inserted ISBN number (after a brief clarification call to their Help Desk–surprisingly helpful!) Now I’m official!

Step Forward: Converted file for Web-htm (yay!) and worked my way through Kindle’s KDP publishing steps, including description, cover image (beautiful!), contributors (thanks, Connie) and so forth, right up to uploading my book and downloading the Preview Your Book feature! Yay! Hang on…


Table of contents alignment did not convert properly, nor did my margins!

Giant. Freaking. Step. Backward.


Will have to sit down now, try to figure out what happened in my original doc, resave for Web, etc., etc., etc. Tomorrow, since I’m out of time for today.

But hey, at least I got to see what it would look like before it went live, which was awesome, and which means I’m getting closer.

Step Forward.

Step Back.

Step Forward.

Step Back.

Now, everybody–cha cha cha!

Stay tuned, it’s getting closer!