The ocean is always greener…

Vacations can be deadly things.

I thought I was distracted before, moaning and groaning about the interminable winter here in Minnesota and my resulting inability to concentrate. But now, with the roll of ocean waves still rumbling in my ears and the memory of potent Florida sunshine still warming my cheeks, I find I cannot concentrate at all. I am badly in need of a renewal of my former discipline (and a cessation of whining about my situation no matter where I’m at.)

I recently attended a writers’ conference where the keynote speaker stressed repeatedly the need for discipline if a writer is to attain any kind of success, and in principle, at least, I totally agree with him. But agreeing on the need for discipline in my writing habits and actually finding discipline in my writing habits are two completely different things.

So now that I’m back from vacation and have caught up with some of the return-to-everyday-life chores inherent in coming home, I’m turning over a new leaf. Scoff if you will, but now it’s in writing, so I have to do it. I will spend time each and every day writing–sometimes it will be this blog, sometimes it will be an article, sometimes it will be work on my next book, but I will write every day. I promise. No, really–I do.

Just as soon as I can tear my eyes away from this album of vacation pictures here on my desk. Isn’t that just a gorgeous sunset?

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