On What Qualifies as Wasted Time…

My schedule today:

9:00-10:00-Saw kids off to school, went for a run, showered, sat down to write; thought I’d just check my blog post one more time before publishing

10:00-11:00-Worked anal-retentively and feverishly on editing of first post. Must be perfect!

11:00-12:00-Had lunch, worked on newsletter issue, tweaked blog post some more.

12:00-12:45-Cleaned up kitchen; discovered we actually have a sink! Two of them! And they’re both disgusting.

12:45-1:00-Scoured kitchen sinks.

1:00-2:00-Back to work: blog post not yet ready for prime time.

2:00-2:30-Finally satisfied that post met my publishing standards; realized Web site now didn’t.

2:30-3:30-Played around obsessively with Web site; tweaked blog some more. Finally published first post.

3:30:–Looked at clock and realized that have done no actual writing today.

3:35–Still not finished with today’s post; still revising.
