Non sequiturs

I have a weird sense of humor and I like to laugh–a lot. What this often means is that I might appear to be a less than serious person (true) and that occasionally, I am the only one laughing (also true).

Personally, I subscribe to the belief that “Laughter is the best medicine”, although I do draw the line at those new “Laughter Yoga” classes; as a general rule, I prefer laughing at people in exercise classes rather than laughing with them.

Yesterday was a banner day for laughter, even for me, so I thought I’d share with you a couple of the things that made me giggle:

First, a line from the book The Stingray Shuffle by Tim Dorsey. You don’t have to know anything about the book to appreciate this line, particularly if you are, as I am, the parent of two young boys: “How can we play Hot Wheels without lighter fluid?” All I had to do was imagine my older son speaking those words and I was rolling on the floor (also doing a mental check of where I last saw our fire extinguisher.)

Later, I noticed a small fire burning in the back yard of a neighbor’s house and called another neighbor to ask what the huge cloud of smoke was. She replied, “It’s Mike*.” I asked, “What is he doing?” “Gardening.”

I think that one speaks for itself.    (*Name changed to protect The Combustible Gardener’s true identity, although I do have to wonder if he was just playing Hot Wheels with his sons.)

Ain’t life funny?

With the world evidently going to hell in a hand cart, I think we’re in the position of either laughing or crying. I’d rather laugh–the world can be such a funny place, if you’re paying attention and not afraid to laugh alone.

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