My Husband Is A God…

Before any zealots out there get the wrong idea, that title for my husband falls under the heading of “hyperbole” and, on a personal level, is also a term of endearment. What I really mean to say is that my husband is gifted at what he does, which is all things technology.

I watched him code away last night, painting fonts different colors, concentrating intently on perfecting my site, focusing entirely on my needs (at that moment, my needs were all about my Web site, much to his disappointment), and I fell in love all over again. Pheromones schmeromones–it’s all about the Help Desk. Someday someone will come up with a story about lonely women who deliberately sabotage their computers so they can seduce the Geek Squad guys, but it won’t be me–I’ve already got my geek.

Anyway, I looked at him and told him that my post today would be used to tell the world that I think he is a god. What can I say? Gratitude breeds effusion in me.

You can say a lot of things about me, but anyone who knows me, knows that if I say I’m going to do something, I will.

So here it is: My husband is a god. Long live the geek.