Hurts so good…

No, it’s not what you’re thinking–that was just the phrase that popped into my head as I looked at the clock and realized that another two hours of writing time has flown by. I thought this second major revision was going to be a real slog, but I’ve been working on it so intensely inside my head these past few weeks of my hiatus that my words are overflowing, pouring forth faster than I can type. (Thank God I gave up doing my writing longhand!)

Honestly, I’m in another world when I’m writing, a world where I don’t eat, I don’t sleep, I don’t drink–I just write. After several weeks of not being able to be in that world, I think my writer’s soul was starving, but now that I’m back in it, I find that my appetite is not even close to being satiated by the measly two hours a day I’m allotting myself. I could write all day, and still beg for more.

But I know that I must stop writing now and return to the real world, because there are things that must be done that are based in the bricks and mortar of my everyday life. But tearing myself away from that other life–well, it does: It hurts so good. It hurts, because I don’t want to stop, but it is good because my writing is flowing so easily these last couple of days. Yes, very good, indeed.  

Can’t wait until tomorrow morning (or maybe later today, if I can whip through all the mundane tasks that await me now). Wish me luck, because Chapter Three awaits, and it’s a doozy.

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