
Sorry, couldn’t resist–instead of working last night, when I should have, I played hooky to watch the new episode of The Simpsons and the 20th-anniversary show that followed. So, there goes that resolution–I spent the day yesterday not writing. Naughty girl.

I am trying to get back on the path of righteousness today; I have just spent an hour and a half working on my revision, which is definitely slowing down, and I did research some submission opportunities for a couple of my short stories.

But, unfortunately, today, I go back to school. Now, if you read any of my earlier posts, you know that I generally find that an exciting thing, something I look forward to, but with my newfound (and admittedly still shaky) writing discipline at stake, I’m finding it hard to work up a lot of enthusiasm for sitting in a classroom for four hours this afternoon when I could be writing instead.

Ultimately, I know this is good for me. This stuff, for lack of a better term, I’ll be learning today is stuff I’ll be able to use in a practical way someday, say, if I decide in six months or so that I will settle for self-publishing and need to do my own book design. That’ll be a practical application, sure.

Oh, but today, all I want to do is write.

Oh, and smoke–that hasn’t gone away, despite my running a couple of quick miles this morning to remind myself of things I couldn’t do when I was a smoker…didn’t help. Still craving.

Be strong, naughty girl, be strong.

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