Catch-up Is A Difficult Mistress…

Today, after a long three-day weekend during which I actually did do some work, I am playing frantic catch-up. I spent the morning reworking my resume and crafting a cover letter for a likely position that just crossed my desk; writing an article for this month’s newsletter; working a little bit on my manuscript revision (ugh, that’s going slowly today); and now I will split the remainder of my time this afternoon between research for a freelance project and trying to get ready for my class tomorrow morning.

I know that this is just a test for me of my resolve to work on this manuscript every day, (I want to have it finished and ready for the next round of submissions by the end of March) which I’m doing a pretty good job of maintaining, but find I am feeling just a teensy bit stretched this afternoon. I took the dog for a brief walk in between my gear-switching to clear the stress fog creeping into my brain, and am feeling much better for it.

And now, back to work. See you next time I manage to come up for air!

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