Bump…and Grind

Provocative title, don’t you think? Even, perhaps, a bit titillating? Well, evidently, my last post, with the word “panties” in the title, was, too, because that day, what do you know, there was a marked “Bump” in my blog stats. Now there are two whole people reading it, although I really don’t want to speculate what that second individual was doing while he was reading…so there’s the Bump.

Now, back to the Grind: I’ve had my nose back to the grindstone all morning, and after a lot of struggle and banging on my head on the keyboard, think I’ve finally managed to rework Chapter Five. My brain now feels about as jiggly and weak as my backside does from sitting and working on that chapter all morning.

Fortunately, I arranged my schedule for today (hopefully) to allow for a quick trip to the dungeon/fitness area in our basement to try to restore some signs of life and vigor to mind and body alike.

But, before that, I thought I’d give you an update. For those of you hoping that this will involve more about panties, prepare to be disappointed.

The revision is still going well, though I expect things to slow down even a bit more now that I’m back in classes again. I am feeling much more confident on that front, as I took some unexpected free time yesterday at school and spent it in the computer lab working my way through multiple tutorials. Think I have now figured out how to turn on the Mac in my classroom…just kidding–figured out a lot more than that and am no longer feeling like the class dunce (although I don’t have that class again until a week from Monday–will let you know how that goes).

Yesterday’s class went well. I liked the instructor, there are a few classmates from my fall class in there–it just felt like a much more comfortable fit. I am planning on heading back to the lab this afternoon, if I can swing it, to work on some of my homework there. At some point, we’ll probably wind up purcashing the software so I can use it at home, but for now, I’m still going to use the (free) resources provided by the school.

Add to my revision process two classes, a possible grant project due at month’s end, and the commencement of the production cycle for the newsletter I edit, and it’s going to be a busy couple of weeks. That’s why I feel absolutely no guilt in teasing you in with a salacious title. I wasn’t really being dishonest: there was a Bump in my stats, and working through those tutorials and Chapter Five of my revision was a Grind–just not the bump and grind some of you were hoping for.

Silly, isn’t it? An increase in traffic just from the word “panties.”

But hey, if that’s the way things work, then…


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