Bi Is Beautiful, or, My Husband Is A God, Part 2

Ha! I got you again! Really, now, this is getting too easy…I’ll bet you thought you were going to be reading some juicy tidbit of gossip about me, didn’t you? Well, you might, but it’s not nearly as juicy a tidbit as you had hoped: the “Bi” in the title here merely refers to the fact that because my fabulous hubby is a god among geeks (See “My Husband Is A God”, Pt. 1), I am officially “Bi-computered” (you’re darned right I made that up.) I am now able to switch at will between a PC and a Mac desktop with the push of a single wonderful button, right at my very own desk. Yeah, I know, “dual-computered” might have been more proper, but then, admit it, you probably wouldn’t have read this, would you? Naughty, naughty, naughty…

That’s right, everyone: from now on, no more shlepping to the lab. Thanks to the Mac Mini and a miracle of modern technology called a KVM switch, I can switch effortlessly and seamlessly back on forth on my monitor between my PC and my Mac. No rebooting, no tearing my hair out trying to switch cords from computer to computer. Sigh…I love this setup, and I love that my husband not only can do these sorts of things for me, but that he will. (And, Mean Professor-Who-Shall-Remain-Nameless, he only teases me a little about the things I don’t know.)

In the few days that have passed since he set it up for me, I have grown more confident on the Mac, worked through two of my homework assignments, lost four pounds, won the Pulitzer Prize, and achieved world peace.

Nah, I’m just kidding about a couple of those. It has been very slick, though, and is saving me tons of time I didn’t really have to spare. On top of the two classes, I’m also writing a grant, trying to continue with my manuscript revision (eek! Another rejection letter today–but this one was pre-revision, so it didn’t hurt that badly…no, I lied: it stung like hell, but oh, well, that’s why I’m revising), and trying to get my editors’ newsletter out the door on time next week (I hope).

Having the freedom to work on all of those things at home, without ever having to leave the house (or eat, or comb my hair, or get dressed) has been terrific.

So thanks, honey, again, for helping me to live my dream (and really, who doesn’t dream of spending the day in their pajamas every once in a while?)

This is really the life.

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